Utagawa Kunisada – The Tale of Genji
Title: Fūryū genji yuki no nagame.
Title Translation: A modern version of the Tale of Genji in snow scenes.
Creator: Utagawa, Toyokuni, 1786-1865, Andō, Hiroshige, 1797-1858.
Date Created/Published: 1853. Medium: 1 print (3 sheets) : woodcut, color ; 36.8 x 76.1 cm (whole image), 36.4 x 25.4 cm (left panel), 36.8 x 25.1 cm (center panel), 36.5 x 25.6 cm (right panel).
Format: vertical Oban Nishikie triptych.
Summary: Ukiyo-e triptych print showing a snowy landscape with a woman brandishing a broom and a man holding an umbrella. Joint work by Utagawa Kunisada and Utagawa Hiroshige. Signature Toyokuni-ga (painted by Toyokuni) is on the left and right panels. Signature Hiroshige hitsu (brush of Hiroshige) is on the center panel.
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